November 1st is World Vegan Day and it also represents the start to World Vegan Month!
This Day was established in 1994 by Louise Wallis, the President and Chair of The Vegan Society. The Vegan Society itself was established at some time in November of 1944 by Donald Watson.
World Vegan Month and World Vegan Day share all of the same wishes and plans. They represent the promotion of veganism in the hopes to raise awareness to stop the exploitation of animals (including ourselves) and the planet. Many cities celebrate by hosting festivals, potlucks and different types of events. Some people even have their friends “try” veganism for the day or for the entire month of November. You can take the pledge on Peta’s website for 30 days and they will send you an informative vegan starter pack.

Need a reason to go vegan?
- The Animals – At the time of this publishing, over 45 billion animals have already been killed for food in the US alone. Can you imagine the fear these billions of animals are facing and the trauma that is being passed down to them from generations of this torture? Checkout this incredible site that has all of the numbers & stats to support how important going vegan is.
- The Planet – Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after fossil fuels and is a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution and biodiversity loss. (site)
- Your Health – Eating animal based products (meat & dairy) can increase your risk of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, can create antibiotic resistance and can create hormonal imbalances.
Veganism has grown exponentially over the years with more than 8% of vegans making up the world’s total population. By making veganism mainstream it would help create more demand for all restaurants to carry a variety of vegan dishes, it would help lessen the amount of discrimination vegans face on a daily basis and it could potentially help get more people to embrace a vegan lifestyle.
Need some vegan inspo?
- Look at these beautiful faces and remember them when you’re planning your next meal. Their suffering ends with your decision to not eat them.
- Try some of these easy vegan recipes; The Easiest Crispy Tofu Recipe Ever, The Healthiest Vegan Smoothie, The Best Vegan Cookbooks
- Go on a trip & plan all of the vegan restaurants you want to try out. Here are some of my vegan restaurants guides; New York, Las Vegas, Paris, Toronto, London, Amsterdam, Tulum, LA, Hamilton
- Follow vegan social media accounts; like mine @ablogaboutstuff_ for vegan beauty, wellness, & travel. My friend Chelsea for vegan parenting tips @mamahashermindful. And for all of your vegan adventure & sanctuary spotlights follow Steph @vegxblog
- WATCH the DOCS!!! I know it’s hard, I know it’s not something that’s easy for even meat eaters to do, but you honestly have to. You have to strip that layer of “ignorance is bliss”, that cognitive dissonance, and you must watch them.
Here are a few of the best vegan docs (imo):
- Cowspiracy
- Seaspiracy
- Earthlings
- Food Inc.
- The Truth About Food
- Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead
- Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
- Vegecated
- Forks over Knives
- Hungry for Change
- Food Matters
And so many more… Just type vegan in Netflix or vegan docs on google or YouTube & you’ll be inundated with a wealth of information about how animals are treated, how our planet is effected by animal agriculture, and our own health.
I’ve been vegan for over 21 years now and I have seen it grow more in the last 5 years than I ever have before. Veganism is the future and caring about stuff, well that’s the future too. This article is not based on judgement but out of encouragement because I truly want to see us living harmoniously with all sentient beings, no more torture & no more waste.
Please let us know if you are thinking of trying the 30-day pledge as we would love to help make it easier for you. Have a wonderful Vegan Day & Month! ✌️💜🌱

wonderful Article
Happy Vegan Day (late)! This post REALLY has EVERYTHING! Inspiration, valuable info, movie recommendations, animal rights, you name it! VERY NICE!
Aww thank you! I really wanted to help give as much info as possible
Aaawww! Thanks for the shout-out! There are actually quite a few documentaries on your list that I haven’t watched yet! I need to watch Earthlings. I hear so much about it. Also, love all your vegan travel posts. I get so much anxiety when I travel. Aaaand, vegan beauty is something else I’m starting to get into/find and love all your trials and posts with those products! Happy World Vegan Month!
My pleasure! Any curious vegans could learn a lot from your experiences.
Excellent post! I love the growing trend toward veganism. And I appreciate that it’s getting easier to find vegan restaurants and cafes.
It makes me so freaken happy!
You are so amazing! This is an amazing article! I love it! Thanks for sharing!!!
You’re amazing!!!