November 1st is World Vegan Day and it also represents the start to World Vegan Month! Celebrate World Vegan Month with us.
Try These 4 Immune Boosting Tips To Keep Colds Away This Fall
A. Vogel’s Echinaforce line will help give you the immune boosting support your body needs this fall with these 4 incredible staples. *Giveaway*
Easy Morning Skincare Routine for Healthy Glowing Skin
This easy morning skincare routine will give you healthy glowing skin in no time AND it’s vegan and cruelty free!
The Best Vegan Restaurants In Hamilton, ON
Vegan Travel – Where do all of the vegans of Hamilton go to eat? Checkout my top 5 favourite vegan restaurants of Hamilton, ON.
You’ll Be Glowing With This Vegan Vitamin C Serum
A vegan beauty & skincare review on Pacifica’s Glow Baby skincare booster with vegan vitamin c & glycolic acid. You’re skin will thank you.
The Best Vegan Restaurants In Los Angeles, CA
The Best Vegan restaurants from Los Angeles, California. Vegan Travel made easy. For LA Vegans and vegan travellers. You must eat here!!!
Mad Hippie – MicroDermabrasion Facial – Vegan Beauty Review
Vegan beauty & skincare review of Mad Hippie’s gentle MicroDERMABRASION Facial.
The Best Vegan Cookbooks
The Best Vegan Cookbooks from celebrity restaurants & world famous chefs. 6 of my go-to vegan cookbooks.
The Easiest Crispy Tofu Recipe EVER!!!
This is the easiest, yummiest, crispiest 3 ingredient tofu recipe that tastes like “chickn”. Yay vegan food.
You’ll Love This Healthy Vegan Green Smoothie Recipe
It’s National Smoothie Day so let’s celebrate with a Vegan Smoothie that I have every morning.